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Health equity is our duty.
Sustainable Health Equity

Our solutions unlock the value of health equity to achieve positive health impact from investments in healthcare, life sciences, and sustainable development.

Sustainable Health EquitySM Solutions for Industry Leadership

Your Leadership Position in Impact Investing and Sustainable Development


Your position as an industry leader depends upon the future success and sustainability of your investment portfolios and projects.


And today, more than ever before, assuring future success and sustainability means embedding Sustainable Health EquitySM into core business functions from the start.


The legal and regulatory regimes for health equity have been proliferating for more than a decade, and their growth is accelerating- in number, scope, and complexity.


At present, the Biden-Harris Administration's priorities in racial equity include the White House Initiative on Inclusive Economic Growth.  This proposal comprises a fundamental shift to stakeholder capitalism- replete with charter, governance, and certification mechanisms- and to a broad legislative platform for additional health equity laws and regulations.


Health equity regimes, measures, and metrics trace directly into UN Sustainable Development Goals, Global Reporting Initiative Standards, World Economic Forum-International Business Council Global Goals, European Commission Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulations and Principal Adverse Impact Indicators, and Sustainability Accounting Standards Board Standards.


Looking forward, lead products and projects with gaps in Sustainable Health EquitySM will be unable to go-to-market successfully in the regulated healthcare, life sciences, and real estate verticals. And the portfolio companies developing these assets will be poorly positioned to compete for growth or strategic capital, acquisition multiple premiums, or top-tier institutional allocations in the ESG-driven private and public capital markets.


Without Sustainable Health EquitySM embedded from the start, your investment portfolios and projects will be destined to underperform.


Unlocking the Value of Sustainable Health EquitySM for Positive Impact


The Lancet Global Health Commission has identified the value creation from health equity of outcomes to be more than US$6 trillion, and growing. Additional value creation from health equity of care access has also been identified.


To unlock this value creation into your portfolios and projects, we reduce your exposure to unmanaged health equity ESG risks by operationalizinSustainable Health Equity for all stakeholders across the LP, GP, portfolio, and project organizations.


Using proven SHE Maturity ModelSM methodologies, Sustainable Health Equity can be embedded into the core business functions of stakeholder organizations and systems - including organizational behavior and performance management - and across all stages of the investing cycles, the product cycles, and the project cycles for:


Impact Investors- from sustainability frameworks through investment policies, structured reviews of ESG performance, and public and investor reporting with metrics of health equity, health outcomes, and care access. And to unlock value and create impact throughout the investment portfolio companies, Sustainable Health Equity is embedded across the entire product lifecycle, across the care continuum, and across the sustainable development cycle- from corporate governance and oversight through quality management systems, product definition and specifications, regulated clinical development and clinical operations, postmarket clinical and economic outcomes, care delivery, and sustainability-driven health and wellness community programs.


Sustainable Property Developers- from sustainability frameworks through sustainability policies, responsible social policies, pre-application meetings, public hearings, structured development reviews addressing ESG performance, and public and investor reporting with metrics of health equity, health outcomes, and care access.


Outperform with Zero DisparitySM Portfolio Construction


The current state of health equity is primarily driven by the contemporary models of care management and care delivery, and the systems with which these models are implemented.


The design and implementation of these models, in which the share of market participation is highly concentrated among a few outsize market leaders in the healthcare and life sciences verticals, has yielded:


Net Acceleration of Long-Term Trends in Disparity Creation with isolated instances of disparity resolutions heavily offset by recent, exponential disparity creation;


Ongoing Growth of Underserved and Underrepresented Populations glaringly obvious in recent pandemic experience and recent US FDA approvals;


Recent Gap-Up in Hiring around Health Equity perhaps signaling an expectation of eventual enforcement and accountability to decades of regulatory initiatives; and


Shift of Public Tone from Regulatory Reform to "Revolution" as overdue, post hoc data has demonstrated catastrophic and inexcusable system-wide failures.


With Sustainable Health EquitySM embedded from the start, portfolio managers can construct Zero Disparity investment portfolios that consider, monitor, and mitigate every principal health equity adverse impact indicator.


In this way, portfolio managers pursuing impact investing, thematic ESG, best-in-class, positive-negative screening, and norms-based screening investment strategies will outperform their peers, when benchmarked for sustainability against disparity agnostic and disparity neutral portfolios with higher exposure to unmanaged health equity ESG risks.


Begin Your Journey to Leadership in Sustainable Health EquitySM


Enable value creation in your portfolios and projects with the transparency, factors, and processes you need to manage health equity ESG risks.


Impact Investors and Sustainable Property Developers select Equitar's Sustainable Health EquitySM Solutions because of our first-hand principal investing experience, our domain expertise in healthcare, life sciences, and real estate, and our Health Equity Data Cloud to eliminate disparities in the next generation of healthcare, innovation, and communities with solutions to manage health equity ESG risks.


Latest Insights from Equitar

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The Lancet Global Health Commission valued universal health equity of outcomes at $6 trillion- more than enough to fund all reforms needed.

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News & Events

Recent News & Events

Arcanor Selects equitarSkyTM Platform for Sustainable mHealth and mTrials Digital Health Solutions

Geospatial-integrated telecom data analytics leader covering 40%+ of US consumers to codevelop Sustainable mHealth and mTrials Care Access Solutions on the equitarSky platform, addressing North American healthcare, life sciences, master-planned community, and smart city markets.


May 9, 2022

Equitar Responds to HHS Industry-Wide Request For Information with Data Priorities and Strategies to Address Health Inequities


Led from the Office of the Assistant Secretary for Health, the 2022 HHS Strategy and Implementation Plan will serve as a guide to confront health disparities for people of color and disadvantaged, vulnerable, low-income, marginalized, and indigenous populations.


May 7, 2022

Equitar Announces its Social and Health Equity (“SHE”) Impact Advisory Board


The SHE Impact Advisory Board will provide the perspective of leaders to address health equity problems among women, genders and orientations, races and ethnic minorities such as African Americans, Asian Americans, Native Americans and indigenous populations, and Hispanics/Latinos, and disadvantaged and vulnerable people, among others.


May 6, 2022

MD Clinical Diagnostics Selects equitarSkyTM Platform for Sustainable Digital Diagnostics Digital Health Solutions


Commercial-stage peer-reviewed product portfolio validated on thousands of patients by Johns Hopkins faculty to be codeveloped as Sustainable Digital Diagnostics Digital Health Solutions on the equitarSky platform, addressing global healthcare and life sciences markets.


May 4, 2022

Equitar Signs HHS OCCHE Pledge, Lists Activities to Reduce Health Disparities


In partnership with the White House and the HHS Office of Climate Change and Health Equity, and following Executive Order 14057, Equitar today signed the Pledge for health care stakeholders that intends to reduce disparities and negative impact on vulnerable people.


May 2, 2022

Equitar Presents its Technology-Enabled Sustainable Health Equity SolutionSM to Howard Hughes Corporation’s Master Planned Community Leadership


Equitar is pleased to share its vision and solutions with The Howard Hughes Corporation, operator of the nation’s largest portfolio of large-scale master planned communities, that implements impactful ESG initiatives and proven best-in-class practices across new platforms at significant scale.


April 25, 2022

Equitar Launches its Technology-Enabled Sustainable Health EquitySM Solution for Impact Investors and Sustainable Developers


Equitar’s technology-enabled Sustainable Health Equity solution enables impact investors and sustainable developers to create value in their portfolios and projects with the transparency, factors, and processes needed to manage health equity ESG risks.


April 12, 2022

Equitar Announces Development of equitarSkyTM  - The Health Equity Data Cloud


Equitar is developing The Health Equity Data Cloud to resolve disparities in care access and health outcomes as the Health Equity System of Record, and to eliminate disparities in the next generation of healthcare and innovation with solutions to manage health equity ESG risks.


February 24, 2022

Equitar Announces The Pro Bono Health Equity Impact Challenge


Equitar invites industry professionals and students to join our cause, contribute their ideas, and volunteer their skills, as we all work relentlessly and together to eliminate disparities and achieve universal health equity.


January 20, 2022

Equitar and clinivation Announce Co-Development Collaboration in Technology-Enabled Enterprise Solutions


Equitar will collaborate and share clinivation’s resources and experience, comprising technology-enabled enterprise solutions for hundreds of customers in the global healthcare, life sciences, and financial services industries.


January 5, 2022

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